Hospital Session “Fresh 48” so they say…
My sister told me yesterday she doesn't really fancy the term "Fresh 48"- she says it sounds funny, like a cake, like the baby is still warm, lol. I actually had never really thought about it, but they are still warm and squishy and But what else could we call these sessions? Hospital sessions or new newborn baby sessions? Let me know if you think of something catchy. I love these Fresh 12, Fresh 24, Fresh 48 sessions. They are documentary in style and are minimally edited. I only put a vintage type retro edit on this gallery.
It's been over 2 years since I've done a session in a North Dallas area or any hosptial for that matter so this was particularly fun. Baby Oliver was not even 48 hours old when I arrived at Texas Health Presbytarian Hospital in Plano. Mom and baby were doing well and it looked like dad was a sweetheart and slept on the couch. Love that. It helps so much when the hospital has the option to let the nursery nurses take baby every 3 hours when you could sleep in between feedings. This is such a good way to go because you are not exhausted and thus a better mom! It's kinda like that thing on the plane-- "put the mask on yourself, before assisting others" If you have energy and rest, you will be so much happier and so much more able to enjoy your time with your baby.